Playing cards is how lot of people spend their free time. It’s an effective way to spend time with your close ones and find happiness in your free time. Poker is a favourite for many people. It is always a safe game until money gets involved. Playing poker is even considered illegal in many countries. Since this is the era of everything getting transferred into online, IDN poker took its turn too.
The history!
During the early 20th century online IDN poker games became widely acknowledged. Soon poker took a turn from being a normal game betweentheenthusiasts to agame where people began using money in thelegal forms. Lately online poker games have become very famous. people use this platform as a sort of gambling.These online poker games have made it easier for people across the globe to play at the same time and earn money very easily.
The current scenario!
Nowadays playing poker has been increased because in previous times it was difficult for all the players to meet at casinos since they would be at different venues. This is a game dealing with millions of dollars and online games give a discount of free entry which attracts new players as well as less wealthy client. Planet poker was the first online poker game website. These websites vary from their usual rules and money dealings but what they all have in common is an entry into real poker games.

The final thought!
In my opinion it is always nice to play safe poker and not involve any illegal methods into long as all the playersstay true to their rules it is always fine.the reason why many countries see this game as illegal is because the money being exchange over the internet is a huge amount and cannot be controlled by the government. This is a game being played from the early nineties onwards, but the popularity of online poker began during the 1998
Many online players have gotten the opportunity to play in the real-life poker tournament and win all the millions of dollars to themselves. It is in fact a very fast method to make money. The exchange of money and The Fame you receive with this game is huge.
This is a game with a set of basic rules. This game is a play of pure luck and gambling makes some people rich whereas others may be pulled deeper and deeper into debit.