The lens that you purchase for reading the markings on the luminous in marked cards to care in the same way as you would with a prescription glass. It is better you don’t wear them for long hours. You could gradually extend the time when you get used to wearing them, especially for the first-time wearers. You should make sure your cornea doesn’t get used to the mechanical simulation of what the in friendless. Keeping them in clear water would be better than lens care solution as it would prolong the life of the glass and not damage their ability to function as well they should.They have to be kept in a temperature of fewer than 25 degrees. Make use of online sites to buy luminous marked card reader lens,
When are the lenses used ?
There are now many online sellers who have put such lens on sale and with nominal prices. There are chances to pick a glass of your eye color as such options are available.They will not change how your eyes appear as they only cover the pupil of the eye. They can see markings with the lens no matter whatever the color of the light and quality of the light the trademarks appear very clearly. This all because the adoption of the high technology in making of the lens that you see that people use doing poker games. These markings are visible no matter what the color of the eyes, you can see these markings with the help of these contact lens which is affordable and can be bought online. These lenses come in your budget and you can also the avail discount and perhaps get a kit along with the pair of lens
Though several techniques were employed to mark the cards, the luminous technology stayed on as it was foolproof. Now the dyes are improved, and the markings are excellent and detailed which in so easily blended to the foreground, even though the naked eye may not perceive it the lens that is specially made for this purpose has worked wonders in discovering those markings. These luminous marked cards are not only suitable fora table game, especially poker but magic tricks too These marks can’t be erased, and they are correctly done by the printing machine which uses UV ink. The infrared lenses also found in specially made cameras to find out the marked cards. But when you see put someone on the camera for you find out the markings when you are playing, then it should be teamwork, but it is less possible in casinos as they don’t allow such form of cheating.
You may do this in your poker club or private poker room wherein you install this infrared camera and find out the markings during play. And there has to be someone to inform you about the trademarks that are on the cards for you analyse and make your move when you are playing poker.